Robert Hayes
Chief Executive Officer
“Success comes from both amplifying the talents of my team and ensuring everyone on board shares the same vision. When people are empowered to contribute and truly care about their work, they create innovative solutions and achieve extraordinary things.”
Jonathan Swanson
"We believe in the power of effective delegation. When leaders ask for help, they accomplish more than they ever dreamed possible. They can zero in on their vision, drive innovation, and create lasting impact. It's not just about hitting targets; it’s about changing the game."
Kandy White
Chief Operations Officer
“My steadfast belief is that people are the backbone of any endeavor. Our core value of going above and beyond drives our team to consistently surpass expectations and adopt a mindset of continuous refinement.”
Eliot Gattegno
Chief Learning Officer
"We want our Executive Partners to feel empowered, not just enabled. We provide them with tailored learning resources, cutting-edge AI tools, and holistic support they need to take ownership of their roles, solve problems creatively, and become invaluable assets to their clients."
Rosanna Arceo
Chief Financial Officer
“Our success as a company is synonymous with the well-being of our people. This commitment goes beyond their professional growth; it encompasses their personal fulfillment as individuals. We take care of them by providing the industry’s best total rewards package because we understand that when they thrive, we thrive.”
Chris Ho
Chief Client Officer
“Our company’s success is two-fold. Our clients reach their goals with our expert guidance, while our Executive Partners gain new skills, lead high-impact projects, and hone their leadership skills through hands-on experience. We invest in their growth and development to ensure mutual success at every opportunity.”
Victoria Alcachupas
Chief Marketing Officer
“Embracing our core value of 'Adopt Atypical,' Athena thrives on unconventional thinking and distinctive approaches. As the CMO, I lead the charge in crafting marketing strategies that not only reflect but amplify our dedication to innovative thinking and action, setting us apart in our industry. Marketing is not just about the next campaign; it's about a carefully crafted strategy that aligns with our values and purpose.”
Carmela Sais
VP, Recruitment
"I'm all about riding the wave of the future and taking Athena to new heights. I don’t want Athena to just keep up with the changes and the future of work, but to lead the pack and set the standard for excellence in recruitment."
Cherry Victorino
VP, Operations
“Our Executive Partners embody the pinnacle of potential – they are some of the most hardworking, brilliant, and passionate individuals I know. Their dedication translates into real results – driving satisfaction, personal breakthroughs, and lasting impact on our clients’ lives, families, and organizations.”
Leslie Arambulo
VP, Learning Experience
“Building a culture of learning goes well beyond courses and playbooks. It's about inspiring curiosity and creating a work environment where every Executive Partner at Athena is encouraged to grow. At Athena, we see continuous learning as the cornerstone of individual growth and company success.”
David Ford
VP, Capital Investments
“We want to redefine the way the world sees delegation. It’s an incredible tool for unlocking one’s full potential, and with our Executive Partners, we strive to create a meaningful impact on countless lives and industries globally.”